Each Free"bee" will only be available for ONE DAY!! And you need all the Free"bees" to get the coupon code!! You won't want to miss this!! Tonight's Free"bee" is from Irene Alexeeva !!!
Link to the first freebie from Irene

- Digitalfreebies 30% New Release. Ends Oct 13.
- Digitalfreebies Oct Club kits - Lil Mister Pumpkinman Danielle Engebretson & Lil Miss Witchie from Karen Lewis. 2 great kits for only $5. Or purchase a 6 or 12 month subscription to save even more.
Free kit with $10 purchase of Pineapple Plantation Designs at ScrapOrchard
- New $1 Section at Digital Candy. Every 2 weeks 4 designers offers 4 selected products for $1. 1st to 15th.
- Leora Sanford grab bag at LDD. $3. Avail till Oct 15.
- Shellyrae Clearance Sale. Over 70 products at $2 and under. Ends Oct 20.
- Lindsay Jane's Summer Breeze Kit 40% off (for SBB QP Exchange). Till Oct 20.
- The Digichick collabs 25% sale. Through Oct.
- Live Out Loud Scraps Product Retirement Sale. Up to 75% Select Items. Ends Oct 31.
- New store La-Di-Da Studios 30% Opening Sale.
- Janet Phillips Oct Grab Bag. $2.50 Normal & $4 Supersized.
- Miss Huni Buni at SBB $1 Birthday Sale. Not sure of end date.
---NEW SS---
- Jill DZines select items $1 at Scrapdish & GottaPixel
- Chris Greiser $1 sale & Buy her store offer for $12. Ends Oct 18.
- Wenchdgrafix 42% Sale at her personal store and Digital Scrap Garden
- Bunny Cates at DSO. 35% Sale. Ends Oct 19.
- Ellie Lash 30% Sale. Discount shows in cart. Ends Oct 16.
- Sarah J at TDC Birthday Week Extravaganza. 50% Sale. Ends Oct 18.
- Gina Miller 60% off 60 clearance products. Till end-Oct.
- Andrea Gold 50% off 70 clearance products. Also a free $5 gift coupon for purchase over $5. Ends Oct 15.
- DSP's 99ct IOTW is Grungy Pup from Nicole Young. Avail for a week Sun to Sat.
- 35% coupon from Laurie Ann on Scrapartist blog.
- Maya at SBG 25% Coupon Code at Shutterfly blog
- $2 Customer Appreciation Coupon in Designs In Digital Blog
- Participation bonus for Live Out Loud Scraps Oct Colour Challenge. Deadline Oct 31.
- Scrap Outside the Box Creature Comforts by Dani & Jen.
- GottaPixel Falling For You by Laura Burger & Laura Pitman
- Snap n Scrap Country Pumpkin
- Divine Digital Hook & Ladder by Princess Lala, Pixel Princess & Wetfish.
- 3Scrapateers Autumn's Palette by Ilona Havenaar
- Scraphead Nightmare at Scraphead.
- DSO Freebies every day until Halloween. [varies]
- GDS Daily Download [varies]
- My ScrapShop Oct Daily Download.
- Magickal Scraps Magickal October Daily Download.
- Digitals Daily Download - Abundance by Beth Rimmer. Oct 5 - 19.
- Blog freebies from Bonnie von Esch everyday till end Oct.
- Fall Splendor Blog Party with 70 designers starts Oct 1 & avail till Oct 31.
- SAS Next Designer Contest Week 4
- Daily freebies from Miss Crow
- ScrapMatters Card Making Day Blog Train
- Month of freebies from By God's Design
---NEW FF---

2. Template from Christina Renee blog
3. Kit from Nicole Young
4. Halloween album from Lottchen at Little Scrap Garden. You have to "purchase" it.
5. QP album from Trixie Scraps. You have to "purchase" it.
6. QP from Jennifer Barrete at GottaPixel
7. QPs from Shellyrae at SBB. You have to "purchase" it. Free for Limited Time.
8. Kit from Ali Folendore at Inspiration-Lane. You have to "purchase" it. May end any time.
9. Addon kit from Jule's Design at Zigzag Scraps. You have to "purchase" it. Only avail for a few days.

2. Mini kit from ksharonk
3. Bragbook QPs from Lindsay Jane
4-5. Alpha & frame from Michelle Baton at Christina Renee blog
6. Wordart from Bethany
7. Wordart from Digiscrapalicious at Faith Sisters. You have to "purchase" it.
8. Alpha from Wenchdgrafix. Avail till Oct 17.
9. Mini kit from KimB

2. Addon kit from Digi Designs by Nicole
3. Alpha from Kitty Cats
4. Desktop QP from Lauren Reid
5. Alpha from B~Creative
6. Wordart from Tina Chambers
7. Kit from Vicki at ScrapNArt
8. Bragbook template from Jen at SotB
9. Halloween QPs (only 1 shown) from Sophia Sarducci

2. Template from Eve Recinella
3. Giant kit part 3 from Digital-Crea
4. Template from Aggie Aviso
5. Bracket album from Danielle Corbitt
6. Bragbook Qp from LorieM
7. Template from Sweet Shoppe
8. Papers from Sara Ellis
9. Bragbook QP from Scrap Desafios

2. Bragbook template from Jen at SotB
3. 2 Templates (only 1 shown) from Andrea Gold
4. Template from Akizo
5. Mini kit from Angelica
6. Christmas kit & wordart (not shown) from Damayanti Studio
7. Bragbook QPs from Tempus Fugit & NBK
8. Halloween kit from Summertime
9. Kit from Chriscrap

3. Collab kit from Wenchdgrafix, Diane, Mojo, Nikki, Cate & Renee. Till Oct 18.
4. Tissue Paper Styles & Papers from The Scrapping Cop
5. Wordart from Misty Cato
6. Addon kit from DigiKeepsakes by Monica
7-8. Blocks & balloons from Jacque Larsen. You have to be logged in to dl.
9. Bragbook QP from Rina Kroes

2. Stamps from Mindy Terasawa at DesignerDigitals
3. Paint swirls from Kellie Mize at DesignerDigitals
4. 5x7 Cards from Robin Carlton at Shutterfly blog
5. Twilight Freebies from Ellie Lash CT
6. CU Ribbon from Armina. You have to "purchase" it.
7. Halloween Qps from Sliva
8. Chinese glitter words from Liz
9. Template from NDISB. Avail till Oct 19.
1 comment:
Thanks so much for finding both of my freebies! Made my day!!!!
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