Not strictly scrap related but if you have a need to batch rename files, you might find this useful - ReNamer v5.3
DAM Sept issue is out. Looks like great value this month to consider buying - seems there's quite a few free kits. (I dont buy these mags to read, I just want the kits :D) Special birthday price of $5 till Sept 30. [if you're subscribed to the newsletter, there's an addl 10% coupon code in there. If you're not and want to save the 50ct, feel free to email me to forward you a copy of it, there's a forward feature in it so it should be allowed)
- Digitalfreebies 30% New Release. Ends Sept 29.
- Digitalfreebies Sept Club kits - Last Days of Summer from Claudi Designs & Daniela Austen. 2 great kits for only $5. Or purchase a 6 or 12 month subscription to save even more.
- Digitalfreebies new quarterly mega - Friendship. $6.50
- Free collab kit by Ziggle & Pineapple Plantation with $10 purchase in either Ziggle Designs' OR Pineapple Plantation's store at ScrapOrchard
- Special collab kit by Ziggle Designs, Pineapple Plantations and Bren Boone at ScrapOrchard. Proceeds used to send care packages to American troops.
- Grand Opening of After Five. 33% storewide. Free collab GWP of $10. Sept 19-26.
- DSP 99ct IOTW from Meryl Bartho. Till Sept 26.
- Scrapladies 40% Storewide Sale. Sept 19-26
- Scrapdish is retiring some Designer Collab kits (Oct07-Apr08) & they're on sale for $1 each. Ends Sept 30.
- TADA 1st Birthday Sale. 30% storewide, 50% off clearance. Free kit with $16 purchase.
- Tahera of SotB 50% Sale. Till end Sept.
- GottaPixel Product Retirement sale. Sept 20-30.
- Peppermint Creative. 25% Sale. Sept 21-Oct 6.
- Janet Philips Sept Grab Bag at SBG.
- ON Designs has 2 new grabbags $3 each.
- Flergs has a new grabbag. $4 for 10 items.
- Melissa Bennett & Micheline Martin have a $4 collab grabbag at Scrapartist
- KimB is celebrating her 19th anniversary early and has 5 CU grabbags out all with 19 products each. Price ranges from $4 to $6 or $19 for all 5.
- SBG 5th Birthday. Oct 3-4.
- Tangie Baxter 1st birthday celebration. 30-50%. Oct 1-3.
- Little Dreamer Designs $1 Wed
- Dollar Days at Digiscrappers Brasil
- FPD $1 Thurs
- The DigiChick 20% New Release
- DesignerDigitals 30% Thrifty Thurs
- WW Dirt Cheap Thurs
- Heather Manning Dollar Day
---NEW SS---
- SBE 30% Change of Seasons Sale. Sept 24-27.
- ChrissyW has a coupon for $2.99 off a purchase of $4.99 or more.
- Coupons in The Daily Scrapper for Scrapartist 15% Coupon , Veronica Spriggs 25% & 1 free Oscraps Collab Kit.
- 35% coupon from Laurie Ann on Scrapartist blog.
- Maya at SBG 25% Coupon Code at Shutterfly blog
- $5 off $10 purchase coupon code: DOTWCaroB from CarolineB at SotB. One month only.
- 3Scrapateers Free Fun Times
- Divine Digital Falling into an Autumn Daze
- GottaPixel Be My Tweetheart
- Snap n Scrap In a Galaxy Far Away
- Scrap Outside the Box Daily Download (templates)
- My ScrapShop Daily Downloads (changes daily)
- GDS Daily Download (changes daily)
- Scraphead Coupon Sept Daily Download - some for discounts & some for freebies.
- Digitals Daily Download - Diana Burton's Diana's Garden. Sept 20 - Oct 4.
- GottaPixel Sept Dream a Kit Event. GP Designers will create a kit based on your suggestions. Everyone who makes a suggestion will get the kit for free. Details here.
- Blog freebies from Bonnie everyday till end Oct.
- *new* SAS Next Designer Contest Week 3
---NEW FF---

2. Glitter elements from Lindsay Jane
3. Template from LorieM
4. Collab kit from Anchlove, Dydyge, Moune, Nanejardin, Scrap'Anges, ugo15 & Thaliris. The other links on the blog.
5. QP from twinsmom1
6. Kit from Scrapteam
7. Oct Desktop QP from Penny Springman
8. Bragbook QPs from Sophia Sarducci
9. Template from Divine Digital

2. Sampler from CD Muckosky
3. Template from Tracy Blankenship
4. Butterfly sticker from Bunny Cates
5. Template from Bonnie von Esch
6. Alpha from Catherine
7. Template from ScrapMatters
8. Overlays from Kim Liddiard at DSP. You have to be logged in to dl.
9. QP album from Ruth Davis at e-Scape and Scrap

2. More cards from Raspberry Road CT
3. Template from Jen at SotB
4. Alpha from Amy Sumrall
5. Template from The Digichick
6. It's Falling Part 14 from Bon Scrapatit
7-8. Alpha from Nicole & Amber.
9. Surprise stuff from Digimom

2. Chinese girl sticker from Liz
3. CU Space Templates - rocket, spaceship, alien & robot (not all shown) from The Scrapping Cop
4. Mini album from Joey
5. Template from Cassiopee
6. QP from Pikachu (note: just dl-ed this & saw it's 800dpi)
I totally hear you on the time thing - I am so far behind I don't even have time to download some of the great freebies that you took the time to showcase - cut yourself some slack - we'll all still be here, we love what you do!
I for one can't wait to see your CT LO's - I'm looking for another great one to scraplift!
Thanks for posting my Chinese Girl Sticker!! You are doing such a grand job.. sharing what you find !!..
wow ! what a great sale list and freebies .thank you !Have a great day ! Anna
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